Thursday, February 27, 2014

Essentials of Clinical Immunology

Atlas of Musculoskeletal Tumors and Tumorlike Lesions

Atlas of Musculoskeletal Tumors and Tumorlike Lesions: The Rizzoli Case Archive by Piero Picci, Marco Manfrini, Nicola Fabbri and Marco Gambarotti

English | 2014 | 387 pages | PDF | 32,3 MB


Monday, February 24, 2014

Harrison's Neurology in Clinical Medicine, 3E |PDF |2013

Neurology – as only Harrison’s can cover it

Featuring a superb compilation of chapters related to neurology that appear in Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, Eighteenth Edition, this concise, full-color clinical companion delivers the latest knowledge in the field backed by the scientific rigor and authority that have defined Harrison’s. You will find content from renowned editors and contributors in a carry-anywhere presentation that is ideal for the classroom, clinic, ward, or exam/certification preparation.


  • Current, complete coverage of clinically important topics in neurology, including Clinical Manifestations of Neurologic Diseases, Diseases of the Nervous System, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Psychiatric Disorders, and Alcoholism and Drug Dependency
  • NEW CHAPTERS discuss the pathogenesis and treatment and syncope; dizziness and vertigo; peripheral neuropathy; neuropsychiatric problems among war veterans; and advances in deciphering the pathogenesis of common psychiatric disorders
  • Integration of pathophysiology with clinical management
  • 118 high-yield questions and answers drawn from Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine Self-Assessment and Board Review, 18e
  • Content updates and new developments since the publication of
  • Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 18e

  • 58 chapters written by physicians who are recognized experts in the field of clinical neurology
  • Helpful appendix of laboratory values of clinical importance
link to get this here

Harrison's Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 2e |PDF |2013

Gastroenterology – as only Harrison’s can cover it
Featuring a superb compilation of chapters related to gastroenterology that appear in Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, Eighteenth Edition, this concise, full-color clinical companion delivers the latest knowledge in the field backed by the scientific rigor and authority that have defined Harrison’s. You will find content from renowned editors and contributors in a carry-anywhere presentation that is ideal for the classroom, clinic, ward, or exam/certification preparation.

  • Complete coverage of must-know gastroenterology and hepatology topics, including cardinal manifestations of disease, differential diagnosis and diagnostic evaluation, management of diseases and disorders, obesity, nutrition, and eating disorders
  • Reflects the most current advances in genetics, cell biology, pathophysiology, and treatment
  • Integration of pathophysiology with clinical management
  • 107 high-yield questions and answers drawn from Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine Self-Assessment and Board Review, 18e
  • Content updates and new developments since the publication of Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 18e
  • 60 chapters written by physicians who are recognized experts in the field of gastroenterology
  • Helpful appendix of laboratory values of clinical importance
link to get this here

Fundamentals of Skeletal Radiology, 4th Edition | PDF | 2013


Yen and Jaffe’s Reproductive Endocrinology, 7th Edition | PDF | 2013


Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine Self-Assessment and Board Review, 18th Edition | PDF | 2012


Bailey & Love's Short Practice of Surgery (26th Edition) |2013 | PDF | 1530 pages | 115 MB


Essentials of Clinical Immunology, 6th Edition | PDF | 2014


Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, 14th Edition | PDF | 2014


Sunday, February 23, 2014

Rosen's Emergency Medicine, 8th Edition

usmle step 2 ck

Pediatric Success

Pediatric Success: A Q&A Review Applying Critical Thinking to Test Taking (Davis's Q&a Success) 

Essential Histimages CD ROM

AISR and Dr. Ronald P. Jensh announce the release of Essential Histimages! This visual aid to studying histology/microscopic anatomy is now available as a free download (Windows or Macintosh). The large number of images make the download a hefty 40MB!!


This book stands as the standard single reference for all healthcare workers managing AIDS patients.
This concise text discusses every aspect of the disease, from its epidemiology and all that is known of the aetiology, to diagnosis and recognition of the different manifestations of the disease.
Special emphasis is placed on the care of patients both within and outside the hospital with chapters on counselling and the psycho-social aspects, palliative care and pain control, and two chapters by patients who are HIV positive which give insight into what it is like to be infected.



The ABC of Practical Procedures is a fully illustrated guide to the core skills and procedures all those at the frontline of care need to know. With over 280 full colour illustrations, every stage of each procedure is illustrated with colour step-by-step photographs as it is being performed.



This brand new title in the popular ABC series offers an up-to-date introduction on improving patient safety in primary and secondary care. The ABC of Patient Safety covers an area of increasing importance in healthcare and provides a clear description of the underlying principles that influence practice.


The importance of early prevention and treatment of sepsis has never been greater. In the UK alone sepsis contributes to more deaths than lung cancer, from bowel cancer and breast cancer combined, and approximately one third of patients who suffer from severe sepsis die. The ABC of Sepsis provides a much needed introduction and an invaluable aid in the increasing efforts to reduce hospital infection and improve patient safety.
As growing numbers of junior medical staff experience emergency medicine, critical care and acute medicine as part of the Foundation Programme, there is an increasing need to develop the skills required to treat severe sepsis. The editors are involved with the Survive Sepsis campaign – developed to improve the recognition, diagnosis and treatment of sepsis – and are perfectly placed to guide junior medics, GPs, specialist nurses, critical care nurses and primary care staff through this core aspect of acute medicine.



ABC of Epilepsy provides a practical guide for general practitioners, and all those working in primary care, on the diagnosis, treatment and management of epilepsy, and for the continued monitoring and long term support of what is still a relatively poorly understood neurological disorder. 


A Practical Guide to the Eustachian Tube

John L. Dornhoffer, Rudolf Leuwer, Konrad Schwager, Sören Wenzel - A Practical Guide to the Eustachian Tube

2013 | English | PDF | 74 pages | 3 MB


Inflammatory Breast Cancer

Inflammatory Breast Cancer By Jaime G. de la Garza-Salazar, Abelardo Meneses-Garcia, Claudia Arce-Salinas

2013 | 160 Pages | English | PDF | 5 MB


Human Fetal Tissue Transplantation

Human Fetal Tissue Transplantation By Niranjan Bhattacharya, Phillip Stubblefield

2013 | 467 Pages | English | PDF | 10 MB


Pain in Women: A Clinical Guide

Allison Bailey, Carolyn Bernstein, "Pain in Women: A Clinical Guide"

2013 | English | 332 pages | PDF | 4 MB


Human Gametes and Preimplantation Embryos: Assessment and Diagnosis

Human Gametes and Preimplantation Embryos: Assessment and Diagnosis By David K. Gardner, Denny Sakkas, Emre Seli, Dagan Wells

2013 | 307 Pages | English | PDF | 6 MB


The publication of this 18th Edition of Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics combines an important synthesis of clinical pediatrics with the rapid advances in genomics, diagnosis, imaging, and therapeutics. The 18th edition continues to represent the “state of the art” on the care of the normal and ill neonate, child, or adolescent by presenting both evidence-based medicine as well as astute clinical experiences from leading international authors.


First Aid for the Pediatrics Clerkship


The pediatrics clerkship survival guide written by students who aced the clerkship.
This powerful review for the pediatrics clerkship provides medical students taking required
rotations with a single, concise, high-yield resource for excelling on the boards and wards. Hundreds of high-yield facts—written by students and based on the clerkship's core competencies—review everything students need to know for the clerkship. Margin notes highlight common exam and "pimp" questions to really help students shine. New to this edition, mini-cases are integrated throughout to give a clinical "face" to
disease discussions. A section of "classifieds" include scholarship and award opportunities. A new color insert contains 4 pages of full color images to amplify the text.

pre test Pediatrics

Completely revised and small enough to fit in a lab coat pocket, this review of Pediatrics features 500 questions with answers and explanations, including 200 new questions in clinical vignette format. All questions are reviewed by recent USMLE Step 2 test-takers.

Paediatrics at a GlancE

Paediatrics at a Glance is a concise, well-illustrated and accessible guide to all aspects of paediatric medicine. Following the easy-to-use At a Glance format, each double page spread contains a diagram summarising the main differential diagnoses for each presenting symptom, with accompanying text which covers important conditions and management issues in more detail. For each symptom, details are given of the relevant history and examination findings to lookout for during the consultation. The book is highly structured into nine different sections, which cover the full range of paediatrics. There are distinct sections on development, common symptoms, acute illness, emergencies, the newborn baby, chronic illness and disability. Separate chapters also address evaluating the child, child health surveillance, the child at school, community and family issues. 
Written by first class paediatricians, who are practising clinicians as well as enthusiastic teachers, Paediatrics at a Glance fits the budget and reading time of medical students, pre-registration house officers or general practice trainees. It is ideal as primary or supplementary reading on a lecture-based course and is especially useful for exam preparation. If you are about to go on your paediatric attachment, this book is just what you need! Nursing students, physiotherapists and other health professionals wanting an insight into paediatrics as it is practised will also find this book invaluable.

Fluid and Electrolytes in Pediatrics

One of the time-honored foundations of the practice of pediatric medicine is the understanding and application of the principles of fluid, electrolyte and acid-base disorders. Presented in a new softcover format, Fluid and Electrolytes in Pediatrics: A Comprehensive Handbook brings together a select group of authors who share a passion and an appreciation of the contributions of pioneers in pediatric medicine and an expertise for their respective areas in a new softcover edition. The volume provides in-depth discussions of the basic functioning of the kidneys, skin and the lungs. Each chapter describes the etiology and demographics, biological mechanisms, patient presentation characteristics, therapy options and consequences of optimal treatment as well as delayed treatment. Fluid and Electrolytes in Pediatrics: A Comprehensive Handbookprovides health professionals in many areas of research and practice with the most up-to-date, accessible, and well referenced volume on the importance of the maintenance of fluid and electrolyte concentrations in the pediatric population, especially under acute care.

Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery

This series, sponsored by the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies, has already become a classic. In general, one volume is published per year. The Advances section presents fields of neurosurgery and related areas in which important recent progress has been made. The Technical Standards section features detailed descriptions of standard procedures to assist young neurosurgeons in their postgraduate training. The contributions are written by experienced clinicians and are reviewed by all members of the Editorial Board.

Clinical Anesthesia in Neurosurgery

Written by a team of anaestheiologists and neurosurgeons, this text provides an in-depth and comprehensive review of the clinical approach to anaesthesia from the basic science and anatomy and physiology of the intracranial contents to brain death, electrophysiology, pain management and neuroradiology. This edition has been expanded to include advances in neuroanaesthesia and extensive references.

Microsurgery: Applied to Neurosurgery

Professor Yasargil exemplifies the 'operative neurosurgeon' in whom a brilliant mind and a developed soul guide gifted hands... - Ossama Al-Mefty, M.D. Thieme is proud to present this reprint of M. G. Yasargil's seminal work in Microneurosurgery. Professor Yasargil began his neurosurgical residency at the University of Zurich more than 50 years ago. During the course of his remarkable career, he was instrumental in developing and refining many of the tools and techniques that even today remain indispensable gold standards in treatment. In 1999 the journal Neurosurgery honored him as Neurosurgery's Man of the Century 1950-1999. Professor Yasargil's lifetime achievements include: Integration of angiography and microsurgical techniquesDevelopment and application of innovative instrumentation, including the floating microscope, the self-retaining adjustable retractor, and ergonomic aneurysm clips and appliersProfessor Yasargil's genius in developing microsurgical techniques for use in cerebrovascular neurosurgery has transformed the outcomes of patients with conditions that were previously inoperable. In this volume, you will witness the establishment of a major plateau in the evolution of modern neurosurgery. Original copyright year: 1969


Differential Diagnosis in Neurology and Neurosurgery

This pocket-sized Thieme flexibook offers quick, reliable clarification of a wide and often confusing array of presenting symptoms. The book provides vital diagnostic information in a convenient tabular format that leaves no stone unturned in considering the rarer possibilities, and is enormously helpful in achieving an accurate diagnosis. Handy and comprehensive, it is ideal for physicians involved in examining and admitting patients who require neurosurgical intervention.


Essential Neurosurgery

Andrew H. Kaye, Essential Neurosurgery
Wiley-Blackwell; 3rd edition (June 6, 2005) | English | 1405116412 | 312 pages | File type: PDF | 6.35 mb
Essential Neurosurgery provides a comprehensive introduction to neurosurgery for junior surgical trainees and medical students. The book concentrates on the principles of neurosurgical diagnosis and management of the more common central nervous system problems, including an understanding of neurology and the pathological basis of neurological disease. There is also coverage of neurosurgical techniques and postoperative patient management. 
This new edition brings the text fully up to date and includes many of the biological and technological advances made in the field of neurosurgery that have improved surgical possibilities and patient outcomes. 

Current Diagnosis and Treatment Cardiology, 3rd Edition, McGrawHill 2009

Key Benefit: Written by leading experts in cardiology, this new CURRENT is a concise but comprehensive discussion of the essentials needed to diagnose and manage cardiac diseases. Key Topics: Focusing on diagnostic techniques, prevention strategies, and prognosis, this is an ideal quick reference for the physician as well as an authoritative companion for the student or resident needing the essential information on the most common conditions in cardiology.
The latest clinical advances in cardiology at your fingertips!
“This is useful as a quick reference, most suitable for physicians in training, medical students and midlevels dealing with cardiac patients. 3 Stars.”–Doody’s Review Service
Presented in the easy-to-use CURRENT format, this book covers all the major disease entities and therapeutic challenges in cardiology. Concise, yet comprehensive, it is perfect for board review as well as for all aspects of heart disease care.
* Covers every important management issue in cardiology
* Includes special topics such as heart disease in pregnancy and the athlete’s heart
* Consistent chapter template that includes diagnostic techniques, prevention strategies, treatment, and prognosis
* All chapters written by experts in the field
* 180+ illustrations, including ECGs, imaging examples, drawings, tables, and charts
* Reflects the most current guidelines in patient care
* Updated throughout, including the latest drug information
* NEW chapter: Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction
* Emphasis on must-know information makes it perfect for board review
  • Language: English
  • Authors: Michael H. Crawford
  • Shipping Weight: 2 kg
  • Cost : 100 rb


Swantons Cardiology 6th Edition

Cardiology is a rapidly changing and expanding field with management protocols changing regularly and newer categories of treatment options being discovered, with greater emphasis on the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
Swanton’s Cardiology (formerly Pocket Consultant: Cardiology) is a highly practical, user-friendly reference and learning text which is of great value to a wide variety of staff working with cardiac patients. Now in its sixth edition, this best-selling book has been highly praised for its readability, conciseness and clear illustrations and offers a clear and didactic style, presenting information in the form of lists and tables for quick and easy reference.
The sixth edition now offers:
a new design for easier navigation and use
highly practical advice with clear tables for quick and easy reference
five new chapters including Pregnancy and Heart Disease and Echocardiography
In addition, Swanton’s Cardiology covers some subjects in cardiology that are not well covered in clinical training, and this book will help fill any gaps in the reader's clinical course, for example, sections on congenital heart disease, pacing, and cardiac investigations.


Kaplan USMLE Step 2: Cardiology, 2001

The USMLE assesses a physician's ability to apply knowledge, concepts, and principles, and to demonstrate fundamental patient-centered skills, that are important in health and disease and that constitute the basis of safe and effective patient care. Each of the three Steps of the USMLE complements the others; no Step can stand alone in the assessment of readiness for medical licensure. Because individual medical licensing authorities make decisions regarding use of USMLE results, physicians seeking licensure should contact the jurisdiction where they intend to apply for licensure to obtain complete information. Also, the FSmb
can provide general information on medical licensure.


ABC of Interventional Cardiology

Broad, and sometimes complex, aspects of interventional cardiology are presented in a clear, concise and balanced manner. This easy to read text, supplemented by numerous images and graphics, will appeal to a broad readership, including medical students, family doctors, physicians, and cardiology.


Blueprints Series: Cardiology

From the series you know and trust comes Blueprints in Cardiology! At last the perfect complement to your core subject areas, this text gives you the high-yield facts you need and the same carefully organized format that you recognize. When used in conjunction with the other titles in the Blueprints series, you'll receive a complete review for the USMLE Steps 2 & 3 Exams.
Blueprints in Cardiology is a must have book for cardiology rotations and clerkships. Full coverage of the most important and common topics in cardiology are presented with:
· A wide variety of topics ranging from Congenital Heart Disease to Arrhythmias · 82 instructional and informative images · A high-yield presentation in an organized format with…

Essential Cardiology. Principles and Practice

Clive Rosendorff , "Essential Cardiology: Principles and Practice"
English | 2013 | PDF | 818 pages | 24.1 MB


Anatomy and Physiology For Dummies

Some people think that knowing about what goes on inside the human body can sap life of its mystery. Which is too bad for them, because anybody who’s ever taken a peak under the hood knows that the human body, and all its various structures and functions, is a realm of awe-inspiring complexity and countless wonders. The dizzying dance of molecule, cell, tissue, organ, muscle, sinew, and bone that we call life can be a thing of breathtaking beauty and humbling perfection. No one should be denied access to this spectacle because they don’t come from a scientific background. And now, thanks to Anatomy and Physiology For Dummies, no one needs to be.

Whether you’re an aspiring health-care or fitness professional or just somebody who’s curious about the human body and how it works, this book offers you a fun, easy way get a handle on the basics of anatomy and physiology. In no time you’ll:

* Understand the meanings of terms in anatomy and physiology
* Get to know the body’s anatomical structures—from head to toe
* Explore the body’s systems and how they interact to keep us alive
* Gain insights into how the structures and systems function in sickness and health
* Understand the human reproductive system and how it creates new life

Written in plain English and illustrated with dozens of beautiful illustrations, Anatomy and Physiology For Dummies covers everything from atoms to cells to organs, including:

* Anatomic position and the divisions of the body
* Increasingly magnified aspects of the body, from atoms to organs to systems
* The anatomy and pathophysiology of the skeleton, muscles and skin
* The anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology of the nervous, endocrine and circulatory systems
* The anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology of the respiratory, digestive, urinary and immune systems
* The anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology of the reproductive system
* Keeping the body healthy through good nutrition.


Handbook of cardiac anatomy, physiology, and devices

Leading experts from the University of Minnesota's renowned Lillehei Heart Institute and scientists from Medtronic, Inc., have assembled a concise yet detailed and comprehensive reference source of information on the anatomic features, underlying physiologic mechanisms, and treatments for diseases of the heart. The busy bioengineer working on cardiac devices will find here the complete critical background needed to understand cardiac pacing, defibrillation, cardiac repair using stem cell therapy, robotics, less invasive cardiac surgery, biventricular pacing, cardiac bioenergetics, and more. 

Anatomy at a glance

Anatomy lends itself perfectly to the At A Glance style and this book is set to become a must-have purchase for students. Anatomy at a Glance is both a text & atlas covering the essential anatomy covered in the undergraduate course. The content is structured according to body regions and the authors focus on the core details required in today's medical teaching.
At A Glance format with clear diagrams & accompanying text
Excellent review tool
Superb layout, highly structured
Pairing of a surgeon & an anatomist
Aimed at new curriculum, where anatomy teaching has been reduced
Clinical emphasis throughout.

Color Atlas of Ultrasound Anatomy

This brilliant pocket guide helps you to grasp the connection between three-dimensional organ systems and their two-dimensional representation in ultrasound imaging. Through dynamic illustrations and clarifying text, it allows you to: - Recognize, name, and confidently locate all organs, landmarks, and anatomical details of the abdomen -Examine all standard planes, including transverse and longitudinal scans for regions of sonographic interest (including the thyroid gland) - Understand topographic relationships of organs and structures in all three spatial planes This invaluable text is ideal for the beginner, providing a rapid orientation to all key topics

Pocket Atlas Of Radiographic Anatomy

In spite of the advent of digital imaging modalities, the importance of interpreting conventional radiographs has not diminished. As with the first edition, this book presents radiographic anatomy as it appears in all commonly performed radiographic examinations. The visible anatomic structures are keyed to schematic drawings on the opposing page, thus aiding identification and interpretation. For the the new edition, many studies have been replaced with better quality radiographs and drawings.